
Cloud-based OMS: Its features and benefits

In today’s dynamic eCommerce environment, where customer expectations soar and competition intensifies, managing a high volume of orders efficiently, without error or disruption, is critical. Traditional inventory management methods can become a roadblock, hindering your agility and scalability. This article explores how a cloud-based order management system (OMS) can empower your business to achieve operational […]

Embrace softphones to unlock workplace efficiency

Efficiency is critical when it comes to remaining competitive in today’s fast-paced business landscape. However, many businesses often overlook a tool that can significantly enhance operational efficiency: the softphone. Softphones revolutionize business communication by seamlessly integrating with existing communication systems and offering a wide array of features. In this article, we’ll explore how embracing softphones […]

7 Windows features that drive you nuts (and how to fix them)

If you’re one of the millions navigating the digital world through a Windows device, you’ve probably stumbled over some hidden tripwires that can trigger various eye-rolls and groans. Today, we’ll peel back the veneer and address the more exasperating Windows features head-on. Whether you’re feeling pestered by pesky notifications or annoyed that your taskbar is […]

How to optimize website images to improve SEO

Adding images to your website isn’t just about improving its aesthetics. By optimizing website images, businesses and content creators can drive better search engine rankings and enhance user engagement. This article explores the untapped opportunities that optimized images provide, from boosting site speed to improving accessibility, all contributing to a formidable search engine optimization (SEO) […]

5 Security measures you need for VoIP

Businesses are increasingly relying on Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems due to their cost-effectiveness and enhanced features. However, VoIP systems are not without security risk — these systems are also a potential entry point for cyberattacks. VoIP’s vulnerability to cyberattacks therefore requires stringent security measures. To safeguard your VoIP phones, we recommend implementing the […]

Viva Insights: Empowering teams to boost productivity

No matter your industry, fostering a collaborative and productive team is a pillar of success. Fortunately, by harnessing the capabilities of Viva Insights, your team can gain actionable insights that drive efficiency and effectiveness across all aspects of your workflows. From identifying collaboration bottlenecks to understanding individual work patterns, Viva Insights equips your team with […]

Ditch the password! Unlock the power of mobile biometrics

In an age where we carry our lives in our pockets, mobile security is paramount. The standard of typing in a password to unlock or authenticate your mobile activities has endured for decades, but it’s time for a change. Enter biometric authentication, a cutting-edge technology that uses unique biological traits to verify the identity of […]

6 Common disaster recovery myths every business should know

Cyberattacks, system failures, and natural disasters have become a common occurrence, and they’re becoming increasingly more disruptive as businesses continue to digitize their operations. Having a disaster recovery plan is the best defense against these risks, but a shocking number of businesses are misinformed about what it takes to effectively recover from a disaster. Here […]

Unified communications: Top advantages for SMBs

If you want to streamline your company’s operations, unified communications (UC) might be the solution you’re searching for. UC offers numerous benefits to your business’s information system, many of which you may not know. In this article, we highlight how your business can harness cost-effective UC solutions to drive growth. Unified communications defined Unified communications […]

Organize your digital space: Top techniques for a tidy desktop

Does staring at a cluttered desktop filled with icons make you groan? You’re not alone. A messy digital space can zap your productivity and make finding files a nightmare. But fear not! By following a few simple steps, you can transform your digital space into a streamlined and organized haven. This article dives into the […]