Social Media in the Middle East

It’s possible you take your access to Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms for granted. Maybe you’ve never thought about what a world without news feeds and constant updates and selfies from your friends and acquaintances is like. While there are moments when we’re all fed up of so-and-so’s latest attention-seeking Facebook status or […]

Add-ins give Office new life

The functionality of Microsoft Office has yet to be beaten. And while it is known for its straightforward productivity, there are quite a few add-ins for your favorite Office application that just might improve your experience further. Whether you want to add a cool infographic to an Excel spreadsheet or need to set an Uber […]

Plenty of new phone releases on tap

While it is impossible to predict the future, it looks as if 2016 is shaping up to be a year in which new phone releases take center stage. This also means consumers need to be educated and savvy about buying a new device this year. You might have your heart set on a certain brand, […]

How big data can increase your profit

One of the biggest, buzziest phrases making the rounds in corporate circles at the moment is “big data”. But what does big data actually mean? What is it and, more importantly, what can it do for your business or organization? The good news is that it’s not just another tired old buzz word that actually […]

Make meetings productive with

Is there anything worse than an unproductive meeting? The feeling of those minutes and even hours slipping by you as you sit ‘brainstorming’ with co-workers, only to leave the room with a big fat nothing. The frustrating part is that, when run effectively, meetings can result in great ideas, and can add huge value to […]

How data adds value to your business

We all know that data is valuable. After all, the more we know about the inner workings of our business and how our customers behave, the better. But knowing that data is crucial in helping to move your organization forward, and knowing exactly how to use that information to do so are two very different […]

Business interruption insurance 101

While it is highly likely that you have an insurance policy that will cover your small or medium-sized business in the event of a disaster, chances are you don’t have business interruption insurance. The majority of smaller companies tend to overlook interruption policies, believing (or at least hoping) that regular insurance will be enough to […]

When should you invoke your BCP?

A Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is a valuable security blanket for countless companies across the nation. And while business owners hope they never have to invoke their continuity plan, it is important to understand which events might necessitate it coming into action. By understanding how certain disasters can impact your business, you’ll have a better […]

Cortana tips to make your life easier

Wouldn’t it be grand if you could afford to hire your own personal assistant? Someone who could take care of menial tasks, sing songs to you, and generally just make your life more pleasant? As technology develops, we are getting closer and closer to virtual assistants who are just as good as their real-life counterparts. […]

Don’t virtualize without answers

For small or medium-sized business, getting a leg up on the competition can be the difference between simply surviving and thriving. One way of doing this is by embracing virtualization. Many SMBs have used virtualization techniques to great effect, but implementing a change can be difficult and time-consuming. Here are a few questions you should […]